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Tantric Massage for Women

Girl, Pamper yourself with us today

  • 1 h
  • 165.99 euros

Service Description

A tantric massage for women is a deeply transformative and empowering experience that focuses on honoring and celebrating the feminine energy within. It is a holistic approach to massage that combines ancient tantric principles with sensual touch and energy work. During a tantric massage session, the skilled practitioner creates a safe and nurturing environment where the woman can fully relax and surrender. The session begins with a gentle opening ritual, creating a sacred space for the exploration of sensuality, pleasure, and self-discovery. The practitioner uses a variety of techniques, including soft and flowing strokes, to awaken the woman's senses and invite her into a state of deep relaxation. The touch is slow, deliberate, and highly intuitive, allowing the woman to connect with her own body and experience a heightened state of awareness. Tantric massage for women goes beyond physical pleasure; it aims to awaken and circulate sexual energy throughout the body. The practitioner guides the woman through breathwork, visualization, and energy techniques to help her release blockages, awaken dormant sensuality, and tap into her inner power and vitality. Throughout the session, the focus is on honoring the woman's desires, boundaries, and individual journey. The practitioner provides a non-judgmental and supportive space for emotional release, self-expression, and personal growth. A tantric massage for women is a profound exploration of sensuality, self-love, and empowerment. It allows women to reconnect with their bodies, embrace their femininity, and experience deep pleasure and healing. It is an invitation to fully embrace and celebrate the divine feminine essence within.

Cancellation policy

Our cancellation policy ensures a seamless scheduling process and fairness to all our clients. For cancellations made between 5 days and 24 hours before the appointment, a refund of 100% of the deposit will be provided. Cancellations or Rescheduling within 24 hours of the appointment will not be eligible for a refund. Thank you for your understanding.

Contact Informations

  • Liz Spa Centre

    Liz Spa, North Lotts, North City, Dublin, Irlanda

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